by Mia
Posted on 12-02-2022 04:29 AM
Make your gift extra-special by wrapping it in one of these beautiful, reusable fabric bags.
I’ve given gifts in these bags for years, and many times, the recipient likes the bag just as much as the gift inside! it’s like adding a little extra treat to your gift. Use the instructions in this post to make lined drawstring bags in three sizes:.
I’m excited about this post because it is co-written by my 8-year-old daughter who came up with the idea when trying to think of some natural and eco-friendly ways to wrap gifts this year. She sewed these reusable cloth gift bags on her own (and with the “help†of her little sisters) and is so excited to share them with you!.
This easy gift bag is fun to make and can be adapted to any season by just changing the fabrics. The bags are durable enough to use over and over, unlike wrapping paper that just goes in the trash after one use.
Since our super popular post about wrapping gifts sustainably , many of you have asked for a how-to guide for making your own fabric gift bags. So we’re delighted to say… here it is! we are all about diy — sewing, knitting, and furoshiki — but “doing†and “teaching†are two totally different things. So we asked diy and organizing expert elvie look to share with us how she makes hers.
How to make fabric gift bags. These are a great eco friendly alternative to wrapping paper, they’re easier to use and store, and in the long run they will save you money. Fold them up and use them to store seasonal decor in between holidays. This post contains affiliate links which may earn me commissions should you click through them and take certain actions. As an affiliate for cricut, amazon and other sites, i earn from qualifying purchases. Please diy carefully. View my full legal disclosures here.
It's easy to make reusable fabric gift bags and save time, money, and the environment. Wrap presents of any size, without the hassle and waste of wrapping paper! this tutorial shows a detailed, step-by-step process that's perfect for those who are new to sewing. True confession: i hate wrapping presents. I hate spending money on wrapping paper, finding boxes, trying to wrap awkward-sized packagesand don't get me started on the ribbons, bows, and foofy decorations. Gack.
Making gift bags out of fabric is super easy and a great project for beginner sewers. I will guide you through the four simple lines you have to sew to make a basic gift bag in any size. If sewing is not your thing, i have some no sew gift bag alternatives for you included in this article!.
I’ve been meaning to make these for like forever. Finally, here’s “how to make reusable cloth gift bagsâ€!
i bought about 10 yards of different christmas fabric on sale one year with every intent to make reusable cloth gift bags.
This year, i finally got around to it and i’m thrilled with the results! what’s great about this simple pattern is that you can make reusable cloth gift bags for every holiday, including birthdays, and never buy wrapping paper again!.
These fabric gift bags are a no-waste way to wrap, and you can’t beat the charm! follow my diy tutorial for how to easily make fabric gift bags that can be used over and over again! for as long as i can remember, my mom has wrapped our gifts in fabric bags. I have such fond memories of seeing all the pretty fabric bags under the tree christmas morning. When i had my first child i thought it would be nice to carry on the special tradition, so i made a bunch of fabric bags …  then a couple years later i made a bunch more … then a bunch more … you get the idea.
By noreen doll. This gift bag is small, but the nice thing about making gift bags with fabric is that they can be made any size. And what goes in the bags can be all sizes and shapes. In fact, fabric gift bags are perfect for wrapping gifts that are difficult to wrap.
I love giving gifts but i don’t like the waste of wrapping paper. Instead i like to give gifts in reusable fabric gift bags and this little bag is perfect for holiday or birthday gift giving. They are super simple to make so that even a beginner sewist can create them. There are loads of different fabrics to choose from depending on the occasion. For this project i chose christmas fabrics that i had on hand. Of course i used remnants from my remnant stash but this project is perfect for fat quarters. You will see just how easy this bag is to put together that you will want to make them for all of your smaller gifts. The beauty of these bags is the recipient can give them to someone else so there is no waste.
Created by: becky | there are always a plethora of ideas when it comes to presents–  usually. Gift bags…they are a different story! sometimes it’s just fun to do something different and outside of ‘the box’. Sometimes it’s just fun to sew a gift bag– and then reuse it another year! this year, how about making cute fabric gift bags you can sew!.
For the last few years i’ve been working to replace wrapping paper with reusable gift bags for christmas and birthday gifts. In this tutorial, i will show you how to make a fabric drawstring gift bag (both lined and unlined) – without measuring! this is an easy sewing project, perfect for beginners.
Step one: cut the fabric. After printing the pattern, cut out the pieces and tape them together. Use the pattern to cut out the tote bag fabric. For the handles, cut four pieces from your handle fabric that measure 2″ x 20″. Step two: finish the top edges of the bag pieces. Start by folding the top edges of the tote bag down 1/4″ and press with an iron, then fold 1.
75″ under and press again.
This will take a few extra minutes to cut twice plus an additional stitch, but it's so worth it! i've made two of my diy gift bags this way. Grab a 7" by 8" piece of printed cotton and a longer one in solid fabric approximately 16" by 8", stitch them together into a single 22" by 8" strip. Proceed with the project at step 1 of the tutorial above.
Step one is to cut your fabric. Here’s what you need to cut. You can use a rotary cutter to cut super straight lines (or wing it with sewing scissors if you prefer. )from your bottom fabric cut 2 pieces that are 17 inches wide by 8 inches long from your top fabric cut 2 pieces that are 17 inches wide by 12 inches long (note: wait to cut your inner lining fabric).
Step 1. Wash and dry your fabric so it's pre-shrunk. Step 2. Cut a rectangle of fabric 16 inches by 8 inches. You can make your bag whatever size you like, but if you want a square bag, make sure that your rectangle is twice as long as it is wide. Step 3. Fold your fabric in half to make a square, right sides together.
Cut two pieces of the outer fabric 5 inches by 28 inches. One cut strap is shown in the above picture. You can also create leather, faux leather or vinyl straps by following these step-by-step instructions.
Step one: cut the fat quarter in half lengthways. Step two: take one piece and press the interfacing on the wrong side (ws). This will be the outer bag. Step three: fold the outer bag fabric in half widthways with ws together and draw two boxes in the corners along the folded edge, 5cm (2in) wide and 4cm (15â„8in) deep.
690 craft ideas: fabric bags, containers, covers in 2022 | fabric bags, sewing bag, bags learn how to make a things to use for a reusable gift bags good things to put in gift bags what things to put in a bridal shower gift bags and you’ll never waste money on store-bought wrapping again. These diy gift bags are made from fabric, which is sturdy and tutorials for how to sew fabric gift bags of all sorts, from totes to drawstring bags, from simple to elaborate. Perfect for gifts at any but we’ll round up a little and call them the “5-minute gift bag†because the name … 5-minute fabric gift bag + tutorial + free pattern, diy gift bags,. Create personalized reusable gift bags that are cute and eco-friendly. Use our step-by-step instructions to make this fabric bag.
I first read about making cloth gift bags a few years ago in the complete tightwad gazette , so the credit goes to amy dacyzyn. They can, of course, be made from new fabric but as any experienced seamstress knows, that immediately ups the cost of a project. So, i prefer to make them from free fabric. 😉.
This christmas, raid your fabric stash and reach for your sewing machine – we’ve come up with two easy ways to turn your favourite fabric scraps into reusable, eco friendly gift wrap with this pair of diy fabric gift bags. Read on for our step by step guide to making your very own fabric gift wrap this year. You’ll find instructions and materials below for how to make a drawstring fabric gift bag, and how to make a button-up fabric gift bag.
No matter how much i love ripping the wrapping paper off a gift, i get sad thinking about all of that wrapping paper that is thrown away. I’m the person who folds the tissue paper and reuses it for the next holiday. Thus, reusable gift bags and wrapping make my soul happy. This bag fits small objects, but if you want to make a larger bag, try this infinity tie strap tote bag.
Forget the wrapping paper! these reusable gift bags are a cinch to make and can be used year after year.
You have now made adorable drawstring bags. These are great for little gifts. The best part, they are reusable! i hope that you enjoyed this tutorial. Until next time, happy sewing, everybody!.
How to make reusable fabric gift bags - a fabulous way to save on wrapping paper and waste! sew up reusable fabric gift bags with the free tutorial from petals to picots!.
1 rachel october 29, 2008 what a great idea! i’ll definitely be using some of these this year. We also save paper bags we get from some stores and re-decorate them as holiday bags or cut them up to use as wrapping paper. 2 yvonne october 29, 2008 this is a phenomennal idea. I did it out of necessity 4 years ago. When we all got together for the holidays it was 75 presents worth of paper and my mom was trying to burn the paper.
The holidays are right around the corner 🙂 add a little extra homemade love into the holidays this year with this diy fabric gift bags tutorial and free pattern! sure you can buy gift bags at the store but these diy fabric gift bags are just so much more fun 🙂 they are made from one cut of fabric so they’re super quick which is definitely a bonus! now i want to dig through all my fabric and make more for birthdays too!.
Make your gifts extra special by creating your own drawstring gift bag. I love gift giving and love it even more when i can give someone a gift in a drawstring gift bag i made especially for them. Christmas is my favorite time of year and i try to give everyone on my list a special gift inside one of my fabric gift bags. They love them and can reuse them or keep them for themselves. Win win!.
This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase i may receive a commission. Thank you for supporting this site. A  few years ago i started making fabric gift bags to use for christmas. I love making these bags, they are so simple and just take a few minutes to whip up. We mainly use these within our family so we can use them year after year, but i also make some each year to package our jams and jellies in for gift giving. It’s such a small thing but it dresses up the gift so much.
Get instructions at allpeoplequilt. Com/showmehowgiftbag. Transcript: hi i'm linda augsburg, editorial content chief of american patchwork & quilting magazine and this show me how video is brought to you by baby lock and the imagine serger, we're going to show you how to use your serger to make this fun lunch bag style gift bag. ? now this gift bag would be great for birthdays in a balloon fabric like this; anniversaries, weddings or of course the holiday season in the beautiful metallic. And then you can also make the smaller version and i thought this was adorable for valentine's day or just to show somebody that you care. The instructions are available at allpeoplequilt. Com/showmehowgiftbag and both sizes of instructions are available in that download. Let's get started. This project is super fat quarter friendly, you can get both a large and small gift bag out of two coordinating pieces, fat quarters of fabric. You want to cut 10 x 11 inch pieces, two of your front fabric or your outside, two of your lining and then two of a heavy weight sewing interfacing. If your fabrics are directional you'll want to make sure that the 11 inches is going in the up down direction so that in this case my balloons are going in the right direction on my bag. After you've cut those pieces you also need to cut one 1 1/8th by 3, this is a little longer than 3 inch strip of biased fabric and of course a button, i like to trim this piece down once i've decided which button i'm going to use and i decide how long that loop to be. Now with that fabric, that little strip 1 1/8th inch by 3 or more inches that you cut for your loop, you're going to take it an fold it right sides together and i'm going to use my sewing machine to sew a very, nice quarter inch seam along that edge. So i've got a tube with that seam sewn. I'm going to turn it right side out and press, that's going to be my loop that i wrap around the button. So you just want to make sure since it's such a small piece of fabric to start with and you're on the bias, again it's going to stretch a little, you want to make sure that your very careful about that one quarter inch seam. And turning it right side out. To start you're going to based one of the front pieces or the outside pieces to the interfacing that's sew in, and i just took a scant serger seam so i'm a little outside of the regular serger seam allowance, i wasn't trimming anything off, but that just let me sew these two pieces together so they work better together as one. And they don't separate as i'm working. I've done that to both pieces for the outside of the bag. Then i'm going to turn those pieces right sides together, making sure again that my direction is the same. I'm going to trim the bottom corners 1 ? inch squares out of the bottom corner, so this is 1 ? inches and 1 ? inches, i'm going to trim both corners of the outside of the bags. And then i'm going to do the same on the lining fabric, which i've placed right sides together and i'm going to trim those two 1 ? inch squares out of the corner. Then i'm going to sew the two sides and the bottom of the bag and i'm going to sew one side and the bottom of the lining and then i'm going to serge an inch or so at the top leaving about four inches opening for turning and then a few more inches at the bottom for the side seam. And then i have an opening in the side seam so i can turn the bag right side out when it's done. So as i'm surging, i'm just making sure i keep the fabric out of the way of the blade, i don't want to lose any size in my bag so i just want to make sure i'm not cutting any fabric away. So to make the corner into boxed corner, you just pull the two layers apart and line up those edges and i like to make sure my seam allowance is going in two different directions, and just line that up so it's nice and flat and serge over that cut edge as well, so that's what makes that boxed corner in the lining of the bag. Before you actually sew the front to the back, you want to be sure you attach that biased loop. You can make that loop as long as necessary to go around your button, that's why i left a little extra length depending on how much you want your bag to fold over, and how large your button is you might need a little extra fabric. Once you've decided how long it needs to be, trim it off and just based or serge it in place. So once you've sewn the two outside pieces together and the two lining pieces together you're going to turn the outside right side out, leave the lining wrong side out and you're going to slip the outside of the bag inside the lining. Which seems a little counter intuitive but this is the way it'll go together best. You want to make sure your seams on the sides are pressed in the correct direction as they are when they are sewn in at the bottom and once you get it nice and lined up you're going to serge along this top edge all the way around. So now i've turned everything right side out through the opening in the lining stitched the lining closed by hand and machine and tuck it inside the machine. I'm going to press along this edge and top stitch a quarter inch from there. So once you've top stitched along that edge, you'll need to fold or iron some creases into the sides to make this bag fold like a paper bag typically does. You'll sew the button through the outer and lining layers, giving it a little shank for distance if you need to so the loop can wrap around it and it's not tight around the fabric and then just loop your loop over the button and your gift bag is ready to go. For added stability you can add a piece of cardboard to the base inside the bag, just to give the bag a little more structure. Those measurements are in the pdf and that pdf is at allpeoplequilt. Com/showmehowgiftbag. Thanks for joining us.
I’m always looking for ways to be a little greener at the holiday. This year i hit up joann fabric on black friday and scoured some great holiday fabric for a project i’ve had in mind for a while; reusable fabric gift bag.
Hello friends!  with the holidays just around the corner, i am super excited to show you how to make a diy gift bag. This is the perfect way to wrap oddly shaped items, so that you don't wind up with this type of mess. Source: ink under my skin i saw a video on facebook last holiday season that i believe was posted by the today show {or another morning show–i can’t remember which one it was} demonstrating how to make a diy gift bag from wrapping paper. I was so happy i came across it! it's such a great way to save money and i have tons of beautiful wrapping paper, while beautiful best gift bags merchandise gift bags gift bags ideas s aren’t that easy to come by. So, for those of you that did not have the luck of seeing the video, i am going to share the tutorial with you {i sooooooooo wish i could take credit for this idea, but i can’t!}. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. You can read my full disclosure policy here.
Who doesn’t like gifts? a conference swag bag ought to be a clear win with attendees, but it’s surprisingly easy to get it wrong. As a teenager, i can remember receiving well-meant gifts from my grandparents plastered with the word “florida,†but what was a fun vacation memento for them wasn’t the trendiest style for me. And unlike these presents, chances are your conference gift bags won’t escape the trash for sentimental reasons.
Make a handful of bags at once to avoid having to create cloth gift wrap at the last minute. I like to precut and press the fabric at night while i’m doing something mundane like watching tv. It’s great busy work while dateline is on the screen. 🙂 if your fabric has a pattern that only goes in one direction, be mindful of how the finished product will look before you cut it. I’ve too often finished a bag only to realize the pattern is upside down.
, kymona tracey yayy, the holidays are here! kymona, here to show you have to sew and embroider a burlap fabric gift bag. There are many different ways to present gifts to loved ones. You can wrap them with gift wrapping paper or fabric. You can put them in store-bought gift bags.
There is nothing nicer than receiving a reusable fabric gift bag with your latest gift. It really adds that extra little bit of thought and presentation. When you receive a fabric gift bag you know that the giver has thought as much about the wrapping as the gift inside. There is just something special about the weight and feel of a fabric bag that really makes a gift special. I thought i would take a few minutes to show you how easy it is to make a simple drawstring gift bag that can be modified to any size you like. All you need is some fabric and ribbon to create these cute little gift bags.
I love to use fabric gift bags for birthdays and christmas to cut down on paper waste and it makes wrapping soo much quicker! we even leave out santa/grinch bags for santa to fill so our kids know which gifts santa brought. The past years i jumped on the trend of wrapping christmas books for a little advent count down with my kids. It took forever to wrap them.
Instead of buying gift wrapping, think about sewing your own! it’s an awesome way to personalize your gifts, and also maybe use up some scrap fabric. Learn how to make several shapes of gift bags in this sewing tutorial. Find the gift bag pattern and tutorial here!.
Several years ago, i got some reusable fabric gift bags, and every holiday and birthday since then i’ve wished that i had more of them. I spend so much time – hours – every christmas wrapping dozens (hundreds?) of presents for family and friends. I waste so much wrapping paper that ends up being ripped up and thrown out on christmas morning. It’s a waste and an unnecessary cost.
This gift bag pattern is an easy and quick sewing project. Make a reusable fabric gift bag in 6 different sizes and forms, for all your christmas presents! this post includes affiliate links. Thanks for your support. Time to choose a new holiday sewing favorite - and this time it's not the gift itself, it 's the ultimate gift-wrapping solution for all sewing enthusiasts out there:a unique, tailor-made, easy-sew and over-the-top cute diy gift bag !.
I love reusable things. Especially commonplace items that normally get tossed in the trash. Today i thought that i would make a reusable fabric gift bag that is perfect for christmas, birthday’s valentine’s day or any holiday for that matter. You see paper gift bags everywhere and they inevitably get tossed in the trash when they have served their purpose. This gift bag can be used over and over again. This is the perfect regifting idea. It is also the perfect project to make and sell.
this diy wine bottle gift bag by the sewing room channel on youtube is a great idea to make the gift more personalized instead of buying a paper wine bottle bag. It’s a great holiday gift-giving bag, and you can use their favorite pattern or a cute festive fabric. This is an inexpensive project, and if you have basic sewing skills, then this would be easy and quick to make. The instructions in this tutorial are easy to follow along with because she explains every step in great detail. This video inspires me to make my own wine bottle gift bag and to be creative to make this my own personalized project. Plus, this wine bottle gift bag would be easy to recycle when gifting someone such as passing down the bag to one person and it goes on.
You will need: tape, if required sewing clips (very practical and, in this case, easier to use than pins) first, print out the pattern. (make sure that the printer is set to 100 percent – to be sure, check the edge length of the test square. )with the fabric folded double, cut out the bottle pattern shape once each for the shell and lining fabric. You also need two bag bottoms, one from the lining fabric and one from the shell fabric. Don’t forget to include the seam allowances. If, like me, you want to use coated fabrics, i recommend that you add no more than a centimetre for the seam allowance to keep it manageable while you are sewing it together. If you are working with a fleece lining, you need to iron the interlining onto the wrong side of the shell fabric before sewing. All the other steps are the same.