by Mia
Posted on 10-02-2022 02:14 AM
Photo by petr ganaj from pexels
total time – 5:10
0:11 – spring lawn care maintenance
0:48 – repairing damaged sections of lawn
1:21 – best turfgrasses for wisconsin
1:44 – how to get a weed-free lawn
2:46 – controlling creeping charlie
3:21 – grass clippings – bag or spread?
3:56 – ideal mowing height
4:32 – how frequently should things to know when starting a lawn care business what items do i need to start lawn care business gifts for a man who does lawn care be mowed.
Share: table of content a harsh winter is hard on a yard, and while spring is known for your yard blooming back to life, sometimes it needs a little help getting there. It’s important to prepare your yard for it’s growing season. Your yard has been lying dormant under snow and ice for months. It’s no wonder it needs a little love from you before it can properly flourish. This lawn care spring cleaning checklist will ensure your lawn is good as new for the spring.
Spring is finally here and for most across the country, this brings about the opportunity to tackle that yard work that has been piling up over the past few months. As with any task, though, home and landowners should kick off their spring lawn care regimen by going over the basics and deciding on the lawn tractor that will be best suited for their operation. While this may seem like a lot to consider, home and landowners can rest assured knowing that the work they put in at the beginning of the season will pay off for months, maybe even years, to come.
The area of a blade just visible above the ground is more vulnerable to the stress of cold weather than the roots, so make sure you leave enough blade protection overhead. The almost imperceptible, slow winter growth that occurs when temperatures are at least 40 degrees fahrenheit will also add to blade length and provide additional protection against snow and cold. Be careful how you implement your winter watering plan so your lawn is lush and beautiful in the spring.
Plants go dormant in pennsylvania’s winter climate, so fertilizer isn’t necessary during the coldest months. This is true even for cool season grasses. But you can help your lawn recover from the harsh weather with fertilizer treatment first thing in the spring. After aerating, as soon as the snow melts and outside temperatures reach an average of 55°, give your grass a healthy snack to energize growth for the spring. Lawn fertilizer is a special mix of nutrients that the roots absorb. Then, the plant stores or uses it as food over time. If you use a spreader, fertilizing can be a quick and easy way to care for the lawn.
Spring lawn care is much less time intensive than fall lawn care. If you prepared your lawn properly in the late fall, there should be very little for you to do once the weather begins to get warm again. The most important part of spring best lawn care tools must have lawn care tools most common lawn care tools care is to make sure that the lawn has plenty of opportunity to gently come back to life during the early spring months. If you do it right, the sun and soil will do most of the work for you.
Apply a grub worm preventative like scotts grubex.
This will prevent grub damage to grass root systems later in the summer and early fall and will discourage burrowing animals such as moles who sometimes enter yard space to eat the grubs living under the soil surface. Begin cutting your lawn slightly taller and slightly less frequently as temps get close to summer levels. This gives more shade to soil allowing it to manage the heat of summer slightly better.
As winter fades and spring approaches it is time to start planning for the season of lawn care. Your grass has a tough time during uk winters. Short days, low light levels and wet soil is far from ideal conditions for grass plants. They are keen to produce new leaves and shake off the winter blues as soon as the weather warms.
A healthy lawn needs soil with a balanced ph level, usually between five to seven, depending on the type of grass. If the ph level is too high (alkaline), you can add sulfate with a broadcast spreader. If your ph level is too low (acidic), you can add lime the same way. Be sure to read the directions on additives to make sure you don’t over- or under-treat your lawn. Once adjustments have been made, water the lawn and test the soil ph again in 30 days.
Nitrogen helps your grass to appear green, lush and thick. Nitrogen aids in the creation of chlorophyll, which is responsible for producing the green pigment in the grass and is the compound by which plants use sunlight to produce sugars from carbon dioxide and water. Nitrogen or “n†stimulates new root growth. Many early spring fertilizers will have a higher nitrogen level to give the lawn a kick and get it growing early. It can help turf recover from environmental stresses and injury. An application of nitrogen in the spring, and then timely spreading throughout the growing season will help fortify turf to better withstand environmental stresses such as heat and insects.
Winter can alter your soil's ph levels. These ph levels are directly related to the overall health of your grass. You want to make sure your soil contains all of the appropriate minerals and nutrients that are necessary for your lawn to thrive. The soils ability to properly drain water is also of the utmost importance.
Over the years my lawn became progressively bumpier, to the point where scalping the lawn while mowing was a common occurrence, and our two year old would frequently trip when running over bumps or low spots. I began doing research on lawn leveling and after watching a few you tube videos on professional lawn leveling, i was officially obsessed. This article will outline the results of my research, my results to date, and my plans going forward. I’m not planning on getting all the way to putting green standards, but the principles hold true no matter how serious you are. Keeping your lawn level is an ongoing process, but with some simple steps it’s really quite easy and can make a huge difference to the quality of your lawn.
A beautiful lawn complements the rest of the garden and makes the whole garden look fantastic. A spring lawn care routine is the best way to spend a little time and effort getting your lawn into shape – mowing the grass, feeding with a lawn fertiliser and dealing with bare patches, ugly weeds and moss.
Overseeding helps the overall health and appearance of an existing lawn. Fall is the ideal time for overseeding, but it can also be done in spring. Simply mix milorganite® with grass seed appropriate for your climate at a 4:1 ratio: four (4) parts milorganite to one (1) part grass seed by weight. Use a spreader to distribute the mix. If using an herbicide read the label carefully, most cannot be applied within 6-8 weeks of seeding.
If you have the opportunity to fight weeds before they have the chance to emerge, you will be setting your lawn up for success this season. When your forsythia shrubs start to bloom, it’s time to apply pre-emergent weed control to your lawn to stop crabgrass, dallisgrass and other grassy weeds from germinating. If broadleaf weeds have already begun to surface, you can save a few lawn care steps when you use a fertilizer that contains both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed killers.
Next, it’s time to select the proper weed treatment based on both weed classification and the stage in their life cycle. Pre-emergent herbicides tackle weed issues before they spring up. Post-emergent herbicides target established weeds. Keep in mind that herbicides can kill whatever plant life they come into contact with—even if the label says otherwise—so handle with care. If your aim is to re-establish your lawn, as we recommend, killing your existing, thinning grass isn’t a big deal, since you will need to start fresh anyway.
Posted on by lawndoctoradmin it’s hard to believe that springtime is almost here. Along with blooming flowers and warmer temperatures, the season also signifies the start of many lawn tasks. As leading lawn care experts serving arlington, falls church, ashburn, south riding, leesburg, and many more surrounding areas, lawn doctor of arlington knows you certainly have your work cut out for you. The good news is that if you follow certain steps, you’re practically guaranteed thicker, greener grass and a healthier lawn overall.
March signals the start of a new season. Snow disappears, the sun’s vibrancy grows, and stalks of grass begin to shoot out from the earth. Spring is primetime for coming up with a lawn care plan. Tending to it now can ensure a lush lawn year-round, which can pay off this summer when your neighbors and passersby are in awe of the brightest, greenest yard on the block.
Despite your grass being dormant, your first fertilizer application to your lawn will help stimulate the root system and lead to lush green grass in the summer. If you’re like me and love to look at your nice green grass in the summer it’s best to start following these spring lawn care tips as early as possible. For more landscaping tips on mostly lawn care, visit the colorado arborist and lawn care professionals website. Share your tips on the meadows facebook page.
Among the most damaging of all lawn pests, white grubs (phyllophaga species) are the larvae of a wide variety of scarab beetles, including masked chafers and japanese beetles. In the spring, summer and early fall, these plump, c-shaped larvae feast on lawn grass roots just below the soil surface.
When your lawn revives in the spring, it may not be as thick or green as you would like. Even if you are mowing, fertilizing, and watering your lawn properly, a yearly reseeding might be necessary to keep it in tip-top shape. Here are ten easy steps to help you with the reseeding process.
Ifa’s 4plus lawn care program is specially formulated in the intermountain west to provide the best results for the region’s semiarid climate and soil making it a great way to give back to your rebounding lawn. As step one in the four-part fertilizer program, ifa crabgrass preventer + lawn food will provide the nutrient boost and protection that your lawn needs for a head-start this spring.
Spring arrives none too soon for most new englanders, and anticipation for the arrival of warm weather and the green growth it heralds inspires us to get out in our lawns and gardens. Some winters are almost unbearably long- snowy and cold- but at last the snow will melt. Once more we anticipate a welcome green-up as the weather eventually warms up. In early spring lawns may look a dismal brown after sitting under snow cover during the winter. The question is, will the grass be all right, or is there a reason for concern?.
Aeration: is best done during your lawn’s peak growing season. For warm-season grasses, this means early to mid-summer. For cool-season grasses, aeration is best saved for fall but can be repeated in spring if the soil is extremely compacted. Wait until your lawn has been mowed 2-3 times in the season, so you’ll be sure it is growing fast enough to recover from the aeration.
As with most larger lawn projects, such as planting grass seed , it's best to aerate during or right before the time your grasses reach their peak time for natural growth. Aeration is good for lawns, but it can stress grass if timed improperly. Never aerate dormant lawns. For cool-season grasses common in northern lawns, early fall or early spring are the best times for aerating. For warm-season grasses common to southern lawns, the best time for aerating is late spring or very early summer. When aeration coincides with active growth, grasses recover quickly and fill in areas where aerator equipment exposes soil.
Even lawns can benefit from a deep clean in the early spring. “broken branches and twigs and limbs all need to be cleared off before anything else on the lawn can take place,†henriksen says. “in early spring, getting rid of that dead grass and any old leaves that may be still lingering before the warm days really hit is an important thing to do. First of all, it just looks better, but then also it can really help with the help of your lawn. â€.
It is far easier to stop crabgrass in the spring before it becomes a nuisance in the summer. Crabgrass seeds can start to germinate in the spring once the soil reaches 55 °f, so crabgrass preventers, like scotts® turf builder® halts® crabgrass preventer with lawn food , should be applied in early to mid-spring before the crabgrass starts to develop. If you’re also dealing with broadleaf weeds, use scotts® turf builder® triple action instead. Not only does it prevent crabgrass (plus other grassy weeds) for 4 months and feed your lawn, but it also kills weeds like dandelion and clover. Just seeded (or reseeded) your lawn? opt for scotts® turf builder® triple action built for seeding instead. It protects new grass from crabgrass and other weeds while helping it get established more quickly and grow thicker. (most other crabgrass preventers stop both grass and crabgrass seed from growing. ).
Early spring is a great time to dethatch your lawn, especially for cool-season grasses. Thatch occurs when grass grows too quickly for the dead leaves to decompose, creating a layer of dead grass woven in the living plant. A little bit of thatch is fine and can even help your lawn thrive.
Be careful rolling lawns. Following the recent rains, many areas are still very wet and rolling might actually do more damage than good. Rolling saturated soils can result in soil compaction. Rolling is popular this time of year to flatten out mole tunnels and lumps and bumps from frost heaving during winter, but it’s better to wait until the soils dry then to do it now and risk making a problem worse.
If you had your lawn fertilized in the fall, you may be able to skip this step. Regardless of the last time you fertilized, spring is a good time to have your soil tested to see what the nutrient levels are. Depending on your results, you will want to fertilize the existing grass before moving on to planting seeds so the new stuff will thrive in the nutrient-rich soil right off the bat.
In established perennial beds that performed well last season, work in some additional compost around your plants to fertilize them and make the soil more friable. Remove weed plants as you encounter them and any dead growth you didn't remove in the fall. Most of your plants, including the grass in your lawn and your trees and shrubs, will enjoy a feeding of compost in the spring. The great thing about using compost as a fertilizer is that you never have to worry about burning plants with it. Compost is nature's slow-release fertilizer.
The rainscapes team prides itself on professional customer service. From installation to lawn care and everything in between our team is here to help you! our team regularly attends training and certifications to stay on the cutting edge of the irrigation and lawn care industry. Rainscapes is the only irrigation association certified contractor in the knoxville area.
If you want to go beyond just grass cutting and obtain complete lawn care services for your property, you should expect to be charged approximately $40 to $80 per hour. You will be charged for all time the professionals spend evaluating your lawn and deciding on necessary solutions. Even though many aspects of complete lawn services tend to be charged by the hour, you can still get an idea of how much you’ll end up paying for each individual service.
By rav grewal • 06 jun, 2020 • you’ve chosen a home, made the offer and now comes the inspection — a vital step in buying a home, particularly for first-time home buyers. It's important to check any new home thoroughly. A qualified home inspector looks at everything with a trained eye, pointing out defects you may not catch on your own. How do i choose a home inspector? many buyers hire the first inspector they find. But don't settle for less. Carefully research every home inspector and consider several factors: qualifications, certifications and training knowledge of building codes number of years inspecting homes referrals and references related work experience where can i find a home inspector? get referrals from family, friends and your real estate agent. Trusted sources act in your best interest. If you want extra assurance, ask the inspector if he or she belongs to an industry organization like the canadian association of home and property inspectors (cahpi) opens a new window in your browser. Registered members follow codes and standards set by those organizations. I have a home inspector. Now what? your tasks don't end once you choose a home inspector. You should also: attend the inspection carefully review the inspection report the day of your home inspection before the inspector begins the review, carefully look over the home to identify defects and damage. Take pictures of anything that needs repair. The home inspector examines every detail of the house for roughly 2 to 3 hours. Review the items in our home inspection checklist. Your home inspection checklist attic:- proper ventilation, sufficient insulation, no signs of leaking or water damage basement:- solid foundation, walls and floors; no signs of water damage; sufficient insulation bathrooms:- working exhaust fan; adequate flow and pressure of fixtures; functioning toilet, sink, bathtub and shower ceilings:- straight and level, no stains or cracks doors and wood trim:- secure frames and trim pieces; no cracks, rot or decay electrical systems:- up-to-code circuit breakers and grounding, working exhaust fans and light fixtures, functional outlets; working smoke detectors exterior surfaces:- no damage to siding, no loose or damaged stucco, no peeling paint garage:- solid foundation; functional garage opener; up-to-code electrical system and outlets; no damage to ceiling, framing, walls or floors hvac (heating, ventilation and air conditioning):- no furnace or air-conditioning malfunctions, working water heater, no damage to chimney or fireplace kitchen/appliances:- functional appliances (stove, dishwasher, fridge, microwave, washer and dryer), sufficient insulation plumbing:- no damaged or leaking pipes; proper hot water temperature; functional sinks, toilets, showers and bathtubs roof:- no damaged or loose shingles, no chimney damage, functional gutters, clear vents structure:- no roof leaks, no cracks in ceilings or walls, secure foundation windows:- no damage, proper alignment, drip caps installed, use of storm windows or thermal glass, caulked frame joints yard and landscaping:- no septic tank leaks, proper drainage what happens next shortly after review, the home inspector provides a report listing defects that need repair. Read it carefully and ask about anything you don't understand. If the home fails inspection significant problems, such as unstable foundations or roofs, need labour and expense. You may want to include a clause in your agreement of purchase and sale making the purchase conditional on a successful home inspection. This could help you avoid repair costs. If the home fails inspection, consider changing the agreement to cover necessary repairs. If the seller completes the repairs, you buy the house. Or, consider renegotiating the purchase price to cover repair costs. In any situation, discuss the options with your real estate agent. Final walkthrough (optional) if you want a walkthrough of the property before closing, include that in the purchase agreement. If the walkthrough uncovers any issues that weren't caught in the home inspection, you can flag them to the seller's attention, either through the realtors or the lawyers. Depending on the issues, you might ask the seller to fix them, or reduce the purchase price. If the defects are serious enough, you may be able to cancel the agreement to purchase the property. What to bring along with your real estate agent, bring these items to your final walk-through: contract inspection report disclosure agreement phone or camera for taking pictures of any unrepaired defects what to check check electrical outlets for hazards inspect heating and air conditioning test appliances (stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer) make sure the seller has removed all unwanted items ensure the seller left behind any items outlined in the sales agreement verify repairs outlined in the inspection report are complete inspect faucets, sinks and tubs for leaks, mould and water damage make sure the seller has removed garbage and debris open and close windows flick every light switch on and off inspect walls, floors and ceilings for damage.
Spring is also an excellent time to control weed problems before they get a firm foothold in your lawn. Annual weeds like foxtail, crabgrass and spurge can be controlled with a pre-emergent herbicide that kills the weed seed as it begins to germinate. Crabgrass, a very common weed, germinates when soil temperatures consistently reach 55 degrees fahrenheit, and is usually considered the "standard" by which we decide when to apply pre-emergent herbicides. A few hours or even a single day of warmth, even with temperatures up into the 70's, is not enough to induce germination, several days of 55 f degrees soil temperature is required. For this reason, april 20th to may 5th is the target date for pre-emergent application by do-it-yourself homeowners in eastern nebraska. However, this spring's cooler temperatures have also resulted in cooler soil temperatures, and we are currently about 5 degrees behind normal for this time of year. To check this week's soil temperatures, go to the backyard farmer website, byf. Unl. Edu, and under the local conditions section, click on "soil temperatures. ".